Relationships are about long term trust - not short term success.

The statement above has a powerful message.  This is what I believe and how I try to conduct myself in all areas of life; personal, professional, educational.  It seems to lie closely to the idea that people are more important than things.

I care about the long-term success of my students - to help them develop habits and resources that will serve them in their future.

I care about the long-term outcome of my clients' projects - that the design, materials, and selections are still beautiful and functional years later.

I care about the relationships in my life; with friends, colleagues, and family.  Really, what could be more important?  I continue in friendships and associations with people I have known for as long as forty years, and family I've known all my life - and they are special, priceless, immeasurable in importance to me.  And, I am grateful for their presence over the long-term in my life.


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